
Day for Daniel

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31 October 2017Day for Daniel at St Mary Magdalen's

, Chadstone, have been using the resources of the Daniel Morcombe Foundation since it began in 2005 and the school has a strong connection to the Foundation through their Student Wellbeing Leader, Colleen, who is related to the Morcombe family.

School Principal, Dr Helen Healy explained, ‘As a leadership project, the Grade 5 students assisted Colleen to organise the school’s ’, which takes place each year on 27 October. St Mary Magdalen’s held a special assembly which the students led and was attended by special guests.

This year a special message from the Prime Minster was delivered by local Member for Chisholm, Ms Julia Banks. Ms Banks stayed for the assembly and addressed the students on the importance of knowing what to do when if they feel unsafe.

Local Council representatives Carol Beg and Tracey Egan also attended and the school also had the support of Victoria Police officers, Amanda and Heath.

This year the school community enjoyed a walk to the local park and bubble blowing to signify that every child has the right to flourish, to grow and to ‘sparkle’.

is Australia's largest child safety awareness and education day.