
7th Transnational VCE Conference in China

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7 August 2018

Images from the transnational VCE conference.For the seventh year running, , Tarneit, teamed up with three other Victorian schools to run , this year in the historic city of Xi’an, China.


The group of four Australian schools working in partnership with fifteen Chinese schools is a unique cooperative China–Australia educational venture that has been providing a world class education for students in their home towns prior to following their dream to further study in foreign universities.


The unique collaboration is one that has stood the test of time and has provided a platform for developing teacher efficacy through a sharing of learning across borders, while providing opportunities for students from both countries to engage with each other in meaningful ways.


This year’s conference explored the themes of Teaching and Learning to Build a Community with a Common Destiny. The conference put this intention into practice with teachers, academics and leaders from China and Australia collaborating to ensure the delivery of VCE in China provides the best possible foundations for educational and global citizenship outcomes for the Chinese students enrolled through the various programs.