
Feast of the Assumption

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Aquinas college during the feast of the assumption.21 August 2019

The community at , Ringwood, gathered last Thursday for the Feast of the Assumption.

Fr Michael Kelly from Yarra Theological Union celebrated Mass with over 1,700 students and staff from the college. His homily initially provided students with the example of the Taj Mahal and the great love and symbolism behind its construction. Having given students a strong visual image, he then discussed the concept of celebrating the great love, sacrifice and commitment of Mary as the first disciple of Jesus. Her reward for her faith in God was to be assumed into heaven, body and soul. The Mass was a wonderful celebration and Fr Michael thanked the students for celebrating this special day with him.

The Feast of the Assumption is an important Marian feast when we celebrate Mary as a woman of faith and trust in God, a woman of humility and strength, a woman of love and compassion. Jesus tells us that happiness is found in hearing the word of God and following it. Mary embodies this teaching. We reflect at this time how we, like Mary, can respond to God with faith and trust.