
Vision, mission and values in Templestowe

Home > News and Events > 2022 > November > Vision, mission and values in Templestowe

11 November 2022

Students, teachers and parents at St Charles Borromeo School, Templestowe, worked together to create succinct vision, mission and values statements to express their purpose and direction.

Beginning with Educational Consultant, Paul Spence, the school’s staff began by looking at existing statements, and working on important features and sentiments that could be included. The school’s Student Wellbeing Leader, Sue Cahill, met with students to create a student action team of those who were interested in developing the new statements. A parent group was also created. More meetings and discussions were had, and the draft statements were finalised after ongoing consultation with staff, students and parents.

‘We’re so proud of how everyone in our community worked cooperatively to come together on statements that summed up who we are as a school’, said Principal Miranda Zuzic. ‘The vision, mission and values statements give every part of our school a clear pathway of how we are respectful and inclusive of all through our learning and faith community.’

In September, the school celebrated their new vision, mission and values statements with the planting of a Wollemi pine tree. To add their thoughts and hard work to the growth of the tree, the student action team shredded their working documents from this process to be used as compost for the planting.

Inspired by the life of Jesus, we at St Charles Borromeo aspire to be loving, respectful and inclusive of all through our learning and faith community.

We see;
We hear;
We act;
We embrace one another with open hearts.

Love, Respect, Inclusion
(Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly with your God − Micah 6: 8)