
School funding facts campaign enters new zone

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20 June 2017

The Catholic Education Commission of Victoria Ltd (CECV) is tonight taking the fair funding campaign to ordinary Australians, launching robocalls into Victorian households.

‘The government failed to consult before launching its education funding package back in May and is now trying to ram its legislation through the Senate,’ CECV Executive Director Stephen Elder said.

‘Education Department figures leaked to the media show Catholic schools will suffer as a result of this rush, losing $4.6 billion over the next decade, with more than a quarter of this – $1.6 billion – coming from Victoria.

‘We are deeply concerned about the new emphasis placed on school socio-economic status scores under the Turnbull/Birmingham proposals and the inaccurate picture they paint about Catholic parents’ ‘capacity to contribute’, to pay fees.

‘We’re urging ordinary Australians to ignore the government’s strategic leaks and visit the schoolfundingfacts.com website to learn the facts for themselves.

‘At the same time we are calling on the government to withdraw its legislation and invite all the school sectors to contribute to the redesign of a school funding model that will enjoy the support of Catholic, government and independent schools.’

Further information: Christian Kerr, Media Adviser, 0402 977 352

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